libtronics apps Apps

Tomatina - Pomodoro Timer 0.5.02
Tomatina is a pomodoro technique tracking application.The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed byFrancesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer tobreak down periods of work into 25-minute intervals called"pomodori", separated by short breaks. The method is based on theidea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility.Tomatina helps you track your pomodori and your breaks and keepsa register of them for later revision of your performance.Tomatina main features:- Completely configurable:- pomodori length- short break length- long break length- long break periodicity- Notifications of events- Vibration and sound on events- Statistics of your pomodorosFuture features:- Performance reports- Session tagging